Contact us

Why Join? It's simple. Being a part of the UK Chapter provides you with access to information you need and the opportunity to connect with other members that understand where you're coming from and what you're looking to learn. You're not just part of a group of like-minded individuals; you become a central part of a group that is driven to succeed.

By becoming an active member, you receive access to resources, material, information, and exclusive networking opportunities. The UK Chapter of CoreNet Global offers a variety of educational training programs and networking opportunities that our members consistently cite as the key factor for renewing their dues. Membership also includes access to the Knowledge Centre online and the bi-monthly the Leader magazine.

When you apply to become a member of CoreNet Global, you will have the opportunity to select a primary affiliation and up to two additional component affiliations (eg, your local Chapter, Community or Special Interest Groups).

The UK Chapter is part of the EMEA Region, which also includes the Benelux Chapter, the Central Europe Chapter, and the Middle East Chapter. Each new member is invited to take part in an introductory call along with other new members to help to understand the Global and UK network, websites, events, communities, and how to get the most out of your membership. Please click here for a brief outline of that information.

For assistance with membership enquiries and advice on member benefits, please contact:

Greg Bortkiewicz

Julia Moore

Download the application form and send it to:
T +1 404 5893201
